For Drivers, Even the Cutest Pet Passengers Could Create
Potentially Deadly Distractions
Recent insurance company survey results show the impact of unrestrained
animals on vehicle safety.
by Anthony Bellano
e’ve all seen it. Maybe even said “aww” as the
car rolls by, big furry dog head sticking out
of the passenger side window, nose sniffing
the breeze that’s blowing his fluffy ears back as he’s
cruising down the block, living, well, a dog’s life.
Until the brakes screech and the
pup becomes a projectile when the
car stops but he keeps moving.
Sadly, what may look cute can
actually be unsafe—even deadly—
for an unrestrained pooch or the
car’s human passengers. Some
insurers are taking steps to reduce
this hazard for all involved.
“Some people will actually have
their dog in their lap while they’re
driving,” said Shelly Gallagher,
vice president of personal lines for
Selective Insurance Company of America. “When
I drive around where I live, I see people with their
pet hanging out the side car window. This is very
distracting and presents a danger to the driver and
the pet, and it could cause an accident.”
In a recent survey commissioned by Selective and
conducted online by The Harris Poll, 91% of drivers
admitted that over the previous 12 months, they had
interacted with their dogs while driving. Many of these
interactions required the driver to take their hands off
the wheel or eyes off the road, Selective said in a release.
This included taking a photo or video of their dog
while driving. Of this group, 40% admitted this caused
them to drive recklessly, with 9% saying it caused them
to get into an accident.
A Progressive Corp. survey found 47% of pet
parents let their pets roam freely in the vehicle, and
76% rely on driving slowly to keep pets safe.
But beyond the dangers, this isn’t exactly legal.
Several states have laws or are considering legislation
Anthony Bellano
is an associate editor. He can be reached at
that addresses the issue in some way. Rhode Island, for
example, has a law clearly stating that dogs traveling
in any kind of vehicle must be restrained, while
Connecticut requires dogs be in a crate or cage if
transported in an open truck bed. And in New Jersey,
carrying an animal in a “cruel or
inhumane” manner is illegal.
Gallagher said she doesn’t think
many people are aware of these
laws. That, coupled with a lack of
awareness of the dangers, could
lead people to drive with their
pets unrestrained.
Selective offered 1,000 free dog
seat belts to interested drivers to
help promote safe driving with a
dog, Gallagher said, and all were
claimed within a few hours. The
insurer also rolled out coverage in 2015 that includes
“reasonable and customary vet fees up to $700 if a
pet is injured in a covered loss.”
“All companies handle this type of coverage
differently. Some include it, [and with others] you have
to purchase the additional coverage,” Gallagher said.
“Ours is a coverage you can add to your auto policy.”
Besides pets, other factors such as children and
cell phones can pull a driver’s attention away from
the road.
“Distracted driving continues to play a significant
role in loss trends and should remain an issue in the
near term,” according to the March Best’s Market
Segment Report,
Market Segment Outlook: US
Commercial Auto Insurance
“The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
reports a notable increase in motor vehicle deaths
in which distraction was a contributing factor,” the
report said.
“I think as a society, and as an industry, we’re trying
to put forth tools and resources to make roads safer,”
Gallagher said. “That’s the biggest incentive, to keep
your pets safe, keep your family safe.”
The Last Word