{{indexingdisabled}} Best's Review - September 2024 Edition - The Mutual Difference


  1. Cover
  2. Editors Desk: Mutual Insurers and Top Global Reinsurers
  3. Contents: Mutual Insurers and Life Insurance
  4. Contents: Asset Management and Bests Rankings
  5. Bests Calendar and Executive Changes
  6. Executive Changes and Web Traffic
  7. Masthead Forestay and Issues and Answers
  8. Surplus Lines and PFAS Risk
  9. Surplus Lines and Emerging Markets
  10. Surplus Lines and Specialty Market
  11. Surplus Lines and Growth Market
  12. Asset Management and Insurer Investment Effort
  13. Asset Management and Higher Interest Rate Environment
  14. Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Insurance
  15. Life Health Reinsurance and Resiliency
  16. Enterprise Risk Management and Mutual Insurers
  17. Life Insurance: Protection and Retirement Gaps
  18. Asset Management and Commercial Mortgage Loans
  19. Mutual Insurers: Microinsurers and Regulatory Climate
  20. Mutual Insurers: Opportunities and Technology
  21. Mutual Insurers: Emerging Markets and Future Evolution
  22. The Mutual Difference
  23. Mutual Insurers: Maintaining Mission and Identity
  24. Mutual Insurers: Regulation and Bests Rankings
  25. Bests Rankings: Group Life and Total Life
  26. Bests Rankings: Ordinary Life and Term Life and US Private Flood
  27. Bests Rankings: Top Global Reinsurance Groups
  28. What AM Best Says and Global Cyber Insurance
  29. Underwriting Loss Control: Distilleries and Alcohol Shipping Risks
  30. Underwriting Loss Control and State Rate Filings
  31. State Rate Filings and Book Store
  32. Trending Bests News and Trending Bests Research
  33. Webinars: Surplus Lines Market and Energy Production Litigation
  34. TV and Audio: US Commercial Insurance and Top Risk Concerns
  35. Bests Credit Rating Actions: Americas Life Health and Property Casualty
  36. Bests Credit Rating Actions: Europe Middle East and Africa
  37. Bests Credit Rating Actions: Holding Companies and Financial Strength Ratings
  38. Bests Credit Rating Actions: Issuer Credit Ratings
  39. Media Program Podcaster and Insurance Focused Podcasts
  40. Media Program Publisher and Insurance News
  41. Insurance Professional Resources and Masthead Backstay
  42. Artificial Intelligence: AI Platforms and Mutual Insurers
  43. Back Cover
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Global Mutual Premiums and Market Share
with generative AI coming in. We established that
mutual insurers often excel due to their customer-
centric approach, driven by the loyalty and shared
ownership of their members. Without shareholder
distraction, they’re able to make long-term decisions
about using this technology and what the purpose of
the technology is—with a focus on improving things
for the customer rather than to improve things for
the organization.
How does that fit into the equation when
you’re doing microinsurance in some of the
emerging markets?
A really good example of that is in the
Philippines. There’s a superb organization called
CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions,
which is a global leader in the microinsurance
industry. CARD’s brilliant suite of very, very
simple life products [is] designed to meet the
protection gap, and they have managed to reach
26 million people using technology, using very
basic, phone-based technology.
The way that they achieve this—and the
reason that they don’t need to have a highly
sophisticated financial system to lean on—is
that the model is sustainable, scalable and
affordable. You could get these products on
your phone, but you can also get it in your
Their main concern is people who are out in
the very rural areas. If somebody gets ill on their
farm and they can’t farm, it could be literally life
or death for the family. So being able to provide
them with a trusted, simple product that pays
out quickly is exceptionally important.
Just socializing this type of insurance model
Source: ICMIF
Global Mutual Market Share 2024.
Market Share
and showing why it works and how we could
scale this up all over the world is something that
I’m really committed to doing.
How can you help mutual insurance
executives avoid the temptation to convert
to stock-based ownership?
Our job is to amplify the benefits of mutuality
as seen through the lenses of different parts of
the world. The whole demutualization theme can
come up in board conversations and that needs
exploring. One of the things that we do is we
work really closely with boards to help evaluate
the case for remaining mutual.
Occasionally, board members or executives
can come in with a romanticized notion of
what demutualization could look like: “We’ll
get all this money and we’ll be able to raise
capital, etc.” But our research has shown that
whilst there can be short-term gain, those
benefits really start to dip over time as does
the value to the policyholder. So very few of
these demutualizations have really ever come
to a happy ending. In fact, what we’ve seen is a
number of re-mutualizations and a number of
abandoned demutualizations because members
don’t just want it.
Most mutuals tend to be national or, in the
U.S., can be state-based. They understand their
regional/local risk and they understand what’s
on the members’ minds. Demutualization can
threaten that. So losing that sense of purpose
can be a real challenge to the demutualization
business case.
How do you see your role at ICMIF
Mutual Insurers: ICMIF Q&A
Premiums (USD billions)
Special Section
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evolving in the coming
years? How do you see
mutual insurance evolving
in emerging markets?
Well, ICMIF was created
more than 100 years ago. And
our purpose originally was about
pooling risk. We soon realized
that as predominantly national/
regional carriers, together we’re
stronger so let’s create a peer-to-
peer learning environment.
What unites these different organizations
from around the world is our belief in the
mutual concept; the power of purpose; and the
sustainable role that we can play in communities
and the long-time care and trust that we can
offer. And I really believe today’s consumer
wants more of this.
I would love to see more microinsurance
mutuals all over the world. I’d love to have more
airtime with regulators in the 55% of emerging
countries that don’t have mutual-friendly laws
at the moment. I think that’s
something that we need to pay
attention to. And we have been
doing work on this over the
years, but now is the time to
ramp that up.
I think that joining the
dots with other mutually-
focused associations is really
important as well. 2025 is
the UN International Year
of Cooperatives [including
mutuals]. It’s a great year for associations all
over the world to collaborate together. If we
can’t collaborate, then how can we expect our
members to collaborate? So perhaps it’s time to
align our narrative about mutuality.
And ICMIF is going to evolve and adapt and
continue to pivot just as we have done for more
than 100 years. This agility and closeness to our
members has never been more important than
now, because the world is changing so fast and
change isn’t waiting for anyone.
“We established that
mutual insurers often
excel due to their
Liz Green
International Cooperative and
Mutual Insurance Federation
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NAMIC Chief Executive Officer:
Mutuals Strive To Maintain Mission,
Identity Amid Economic Challenges
Neil Alldredge, president and CEO of the National Association of Mutual
Insurance Companies, discusses how mutuals have tried to maintain strong
community connections while they face decisions about rates and potential
economic and regulatory pitfalls.
by Anthony Bellano
utual insurers have prided themselves as being
the local insurer that takes a conservative
approach to rates. That approach has been
changing, however, given the challenges posed by
Anthony Bellano
is an associate editor. He can be reached at
economic and social inflation, said Neil Alldredge,
president and chief executive officer of the National
Association of Mutual Insurance Companies.
Even so, Alldredge said he believes mutual
insurers must maintain their strong connection to
communities—particularly since the owners are the
policyholders—even if their priorities change. As
Mutual Insurers: NAMIC Q&A
Special Section
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economic challenges have led mutuals to consider
more aggressive rate actions, he believes they must
maintain their unique identity that gives them an
“We’re the farm-to-table of the financial
services industry,” he said. “These are Main Street
companies. That connection to their communities
is very strong. You see more companies beginning to
identify themselves that way, and trade on that.
“It’s a combination of the pandemic issues, and
even going back to the financial crisis, and just what
you see in the social consciousness of the country,”
he said. “People want to buy local, organic whatever
it is. You have your local beer. You have your local
farmers market. You’ve got your local mutual
insurance company. That sort of fits with the social
thinking today, and I think you see companies
beginning to respond to that.”
Alldredge recently spoke about the challenges
mutuals face, including legislative hurdles and
marketplace pitfalls, and discussed how mutuals
can navigate the rate environment and still succeed.
Following is an edited transcript of the interview.
What challenges that mutuals were facing
last year continued into this year?
We continue to see this broad combination of
events. The inflationary pressures are still there.
The general economic conditions being what they
are. Challenging weather patterns. A litigation
environment that is getting more complex by
the day. Reinsurance issues. This new era of risk
is affecting all insurers, and mutuals particularly.
Mutuals are in a lot of personal lines.
Our members write almost 70% of the
homeowners market and nearly 60% of the auto
market. Those lines of business are where all the
inflationary pressures have been. Mutual companies
tend to write in Midwestern states and New England,
where you also see weather patterns changing. So,
in addition to the broader factors that are affecting
everybody in the industry, you see a heavier focus on
the mutual companies’ performance based on what
and where they write.
According to an AM Best report, mutuals
are pursuing aggressive rate changes. How
does that fit with the traditional role of
It’s a bit of a departure in the sense that one
of the real strengths of mutual companies is that
they’ve got decades, if not centuries, of experience of
how to deal with these things.
They also have the benefit of building capital
over that period. They are able to take a long-
term view, and historically that may have meant
they took a more conservative approach when
it came to rates. That is probably different now,
in part because the economic conditions and
the inflationary pressures have changed so fast
in such a dramatic way. Insurance pricing in
general lags. The price you’re seeing today for
homeowners or auto insurance is in many states
reflective of changes in the cost of repairs or
whatever the case might be from 18 months ago.
They had to file for rates, get it approved, have
it work through their book of business, and it’s
just a slow process.
The same AM Best report states, “Mutual
companies are relying more and more on
their own capital to protect them in the
event of a large loss—a departure from the
past, given the limited avenues available
to mutuals to access capital.” Discuss this
shift in mindset.
This is where you see changes in the reinsurance
market. In the beginning of 2023, capacity shrunk,
reinsurance pricing went up, and the terms changed
a lot. You had to retain more of the losses. You also
saw the results from 2023 for most reinsurers to be
particularly good. That continues to be the case into
this year. Most people think the pricing capacity
questions are going to loosen a bit in the reinsurance
In the short run, mutuals have had more of their
own capital in the form of surplus exposed because
of the changing terms in the reinsurance market.
That’s changing. If you talk to most reinsurers,
pricing is one thing, and that may not change
substantially. But there certainly seems to be more
capacity in the reinsurance market, which should
affect the terms and retention rates for primary
What is the current identity of the mutual
One thing is that 15 years ago, mutual companies
didn’t talk about being mutual companies very
much. It wasn’t something they traded on in the